This morning they were woken by the rocket-attack siren, and ran for the stairwell, along with other Kalanit student residents. According to Alizka Yarden, charismatic head of Kalanit, the building is very strong, built of prestressed cast concrete blocks. There are two bomb shelters inside the Kalanit building, one of them houses a small gymnasium, and has equipment and a trainer.
Alizka, a warm and wonderful woman who looks after Kalanit's residents
After a breakfast meeting with Sigal & Nicole, and Dganit head of Otzma program, everyone headed out to see the volunteer locations.
Despite the early morning grad wake-up, it was a sunny, beautiful day today, and everyone in Ashkelon was out and about as usual. Together we visited Halperin Home for Senior Citizens, a number of "Moadoniot" (child care facilities for at risk children) and spotted the locations of the elementary schools where some of the Otzmaniks will be working.

Making friends at the Moadonit

The little ones, taking their mid morning nap inside the shelter
It was a busy morning but our Otzmaniks had the afternoon off to get organized at Kalanit, and will start working tomorrow.
See more photos of OTZMA Here (Nicole )
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