Sunday, September 14, 2008

We Love Reading! (Bookworms in the making)

At long last, our reading encouragement project is up and running, full steam ahead. This project aims to instill a love of reading in primary school children, to teach them reading skills and awaken their desire to read, in the face of competing challenges such as tv and video games. The project is funded bythe Bruce Sholk family of Baltimore in honor of their son Henry's barmitzvah, and the partnership.
A steering committee headed by Levi Shafran and Moshe Yanai, and comprising educators, librarians, book-loving students and literature teachers, has drawn up the guidelines for this project. The coordinator for the project is Vered Ida Shlauzer, a specialist in the field of reading encouragement and author of "The Magic Within the Story- Raising Children who love to Read".
The first stage of the project will concentrate on 3rd-6th graders. Classes participating in the project will choose 6 books from a list of about 40 "must reads" drawn up by the steering committee. Each child will read each of these 6 books over the course of the year. The school library will receive a copy of each of the 40 books on the list.
Vered Ida Shlauzer "This is an invaluable opportunity to instill a love of reading in our young children that will serve them well throughout their lives. We thank the Sholk family and the partnership for making this happen!" (Vered's Hebrew website: ) Nicole

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