Thursday, December 3, 2009

Liron is a soldier!

Our own Liron Menashe is now an IDF soldier and has just completed her basic training. We wish her all the luck in the world. Waiting for more photos!
Just before Liron was drafted, she and Tal Bouhnik gave a presentation at the Teen Center, about their year in Baltimore as shinshinim, and as a result we have many interested matric students applying to become shinshinim in 2010 when Natan Mish and Hadar Madnick finish their year in Baltimore.
The candidates who passed the initial interview with Sigal, Itai (the JAFI representative) and Avner Maimon (Youth and Education dept, Ashkelon municipality) will participate in the second stage of the selection process: a full day workshop run by the Jewish Agency in Kiryat Moriah. It's a long process and we have many hopeful, highly motivated candidates to fill the two available positions.

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