The Ashkelon Baltimore women's forum is matched with a similar group of women in Baltimore. The women from Ashkelon carry out various volunteer projects and this year they decided to "adopt" Dekel school in Shimshon neighborhood.
Vered said: "we wanted to volunteer somewhere where there is a real need and where our help would be appreciated. We don't donate money or raise funds, we donate our time and our skills. We saw the wonderful work being done at Dekel school by the principal Sigal Yashar and her group of highly motivated and dedicated teachers, and we offered our help"
Last week on the Friday morning just before Tu B'shvat, the women took over classes at the school to teach the kids about the role of trees in our lives, and carry out creative activities. The kids enjoyed rolling out clay tiles and decorating them with trees, working to create drawings on aluminium sheets, creating mosaics and flowerpots, and producing animals out of dried fruit.
At the end of the activity Einat said "It was hard to tell who enjoyed the day more. We were amazed at our warm welcome. The kids were very enthusiastic, participated wholeheartedly in all our activities and were so proud of their creations".
At the end of the activity, the headmistress Sigal Yashar thanked the women "Thank you for your help and the wonderful experience enjoyed by the children and the teachers. It is good for the children to be exposed to volunteers who come to help of their own free will. This will help to teach them the value of giving and turn them into people who volunteer and contribute to society."
The Ashkelon women are excited to continue their contact with the kids and teachers at Dekel School.

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